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Uta Bekaia

Uta Bekaia is a Georgian born (1974) multimedia artist currently residing and working in New York and Tbilisi. He had studied Industrial Design at Tbilisi Mtsire Academy. He debuted as an artist at AMA (Avant-Guard Fashion Assembly) with a sculptural performance. He creates performances and installations inhabited with wearable sculptures, exploring his historical cultural background, genetical codes and cycles of the universe.


David Apakidze

David Apakidze is a Visual artist, curator, Art historian and researcher. In their research, they explore queerness concerning contemporary culture. Often using self-portraits in different mediums, they create a series of works researching social, political and artistic themes with a personal and honest approach and interpretations. 


KOI (Kerosene on ice) is a photographer, visual artist, curator and author from Tbilisi, Georgia.
Their photographic and artistic work explores Socio-political meaning of queerness and its forms of resistance under the oppression of cisheteronormativity and capitalism.

Mariko Chanturia

Mariko Chanturia is a Georgian curator and artist.

They are interested in the themes of queer theory and cyberfeminism, digital age and post-humanism and work in different mediums: Installation, Photography and Video art.

Levan Mindiashvili

Queerness, behavioral patterns, intersectionality, language, and ecology encompass Levan’s current frameworks. Through these lenses, he revisits the most intimate settings of his childhood—the rooms with heavily patterned wallpapers and tiles where his earliest traumas took place, and his consciousness was formed. As opposed to "illustration," he uses "embodiment" as a primary creative strategy. Creating "rooms" as psychological tableaus that can be experienced as two-dimensional images, environments, public sculptures, and VR installations. Personal and historical memory and trauma thus collapse into an experience through which the self may be healed and re-ss constituted.


Nino Goderidze is a visual artist and fashion designer, founder of the Tbilisi based fashion brand God Era, Nino is an active supporter of sustainable and ethical fashion. Their current activity also involves the work on the creation of
biodegradable vegan leather. Their works are imbued with a transhuman and cyberfeministic narrative. Their major area of interest are the research of Georgian queer culture and ecofeminism.

Lasha Kabanashvili

Lasha Kabanashvili is aTbilisi-based artistworking in different
mediums: Installation, Poetry, Video art and Performance. Their current work reflects on
contemporary consumer society; capitalist discourse, science and their relations with each
other; the digital age and post- humanism; queer theory and cyber feminism. Their work is mainly based on the creation of non-binary language with the deconstruction of binary principles.

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