Abyss end Flow
The exhibition explores relations of binary oppositions in the order of a consensus world, in which the artist simultaneously agrees to and denies these ambivalences, expressing with visual concepts their absurdity and painful human experiences that are the results of searching for agreement in the ever-changing world. Exposition combines works created in different mediums, which use symbolic language to produce the endless metaphors, question the concepts of time, memory, variability and immutability; and to indicate the unknown territories that emerge between reality and human perception. Work researches the relationship between life and death through the metaphor of mother and child, where the ritualistic symbols emphasise the fragility and ephemerality of life; demonstrates the end(ing) and loss. The symbols of the lake, ice and embryo also express the end of the cycle of life. In which a living organism, frozen in time, maintains the ability to grow and continue to live. Artist expresses this ability through blood symbolics, which draws parallels between humans and animals; as life forms that similarly share experiences of struggle, torment and pain; In the metaphor of bleeding, the process of bloodletting acts as a motion that abolishes the cycle of immutability in the consensus world and simultaneously can be perceived as a possible ending of mutable life.