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“Give us this day our daily bread” is probably one of the most frequently said phrases. Food is one of the most important forms of cultural and spiritual self-realization and identification for us.

"Let them eat cake" naively said the famous queen. “Off with her head” angrily shouted the hungry in response, and so it was done.

Hunger is probably the strongest driving force for humanity. The revolutions and evolution happen because of food and hunger. Because of hunger, people can destroy a given social order.

Because of food, humans have learned to cultivate the earth. We learned that the taste of your grown food and contact with the earth brings peace and balance to one's life. Food is what connects us to the earth and its endless circulation, we eat and so we shall get consumed. It is a system, that makes us an organic part of our planet.

Hunger has many forms. In today's world, we co-live in big cities of millions of people, yet perhaps we are the loneliest ever. People often suffer from spiritual hunger. A feeling and a need to fill the void within. but instead of finding the missing part, the inner hole grows larger.

Food is a comfort zone for many people, who turn to it after daily stress to seek relief. However, the corporate food industry is one of the biggest contributors to pollution and global warming.

Hunger is a force that brings completely different people together to achieve one goal. Hunger is the most important niche that distinguishes rich from poor, and shows us how poorly distributed the wealth is in the “post” colonial world,

There is starvation of people, harmed by the beauty industry. Due to the pressure created by it, many suffer from eating disorders to meet the shallow standards of beauty.

Hunger can also be purifying, many people use hunger to cleanse the body and soul, to cure diseases. Some substances are consumed to give us a big boost to expand our consciousness.

The Fungus Platform will focus on different interpretations and works by Georgian artists over the next two months on the theme of food and hunger.

Andro Dadiani

George Kartozia

Dato Koridze The social background of the modern-day. The old man stands the whole day hoping someone will pay attention, but people pass by without remarking him... They are like ghosts, not caring about the problems of others. They can only notice the commercial posters of the different brands above... And in this fall of society, there is no one to withstand this problem... The photos for this project were taken during one year period. The History of One Man. The pictures, capturing images of an old man, begging. The photos were taken in the same place, only the background was being changed (playbills, billboards, photos of politicians...) The twelve pictures taken within this project were pasted in final form on the place, where this man still stands hoping by-passers will pay attention to him… rather than posters on the background.



What is your name?


What do you do with a monster inside yourself?

In fairytales, before you can slay it, you have to learn its name.

And the monster doesn’t want to give it up.

Namelessness is its forte; darkness is its shining armour.

My monster is a bottomless well.

Every day I stare into its depth, and I tell it I love it.

That’s the only thing that works against it, see.

Knowing that, no matter what, I’ll be back with my bucket full of love.

Every day, the monster has a different name.

Every day, I learn new words to call it out.

The first time we met, its name was hunger.

It was more scared than scary, wearing my face from the day I was denied a snack for

not fitting into a dress as a little girl.

I didn’t love it then. So I tried to kill it.

The more I tried, the more it hurt.

I had to tell it I loved it a million times before it believed me.

But that’s the only thing that works, you see.

So I’m here now.

I love you.

What is your name?

Solomon Aphroditus x GOD ERA The Fungus is a multimedia art project by an Independent Georgian Designer GOD ERA & Multidisciplinary Artist Solomon Razmadze. The project presents original garments made by a fashion designer in collaboration with the digital artist. The digitally redesigned garment is represented in CGI animation. The story behind the project is a natural phenomenon: Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is an insect-pathogenic fungus that infects the ant through spores that penetrate their exoskeleton and slowly affect their behavior. This process is often called zombifying by non-scientists. Advancement of infection makes the ant leave its nest, relocate to the more humid place, suitable for the fungus, get attached to a leaf, and wait for its death. During this period fungus feeds on the

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