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“Give us this day our daily bread” is probably one of the most frequently said phrases. Food is one of the most important forms of cultural and spiritual self-realization and identification for us.

"Let them eat cake" naively said the famous queen. “Off with her head” angrily shouted the hungry in response, and so it was done.

Hunger is probably the strongest driving force for humanity. The revolutions and evolution happen because of food and hunger. Because of hunger, people can destroy a given social order.

Because of food, humans have learned to cultivate the earth. We learned that the taste of your grown food and contact with the earth brings peace and balance to one's life. Food is what connects us to the earth and its endless circulation, we eat and so we shall get consumed. It is a system, that makes us an organic part of our planet.

Hunger has many forms. In today's world, we co-live in big cities of millions of people, yet perhaps we are the loneliest ever. People often suffer from spiritual hunger. A feeling and a need to fill the void within. but instead of finding the missing part, the inner hole grows larger.

Food is a comfort zone for many people, who turn to it after daily stress to seek relief. However, the corporate food industry is one of the biggest contributors to pollution and global warming.

Hunger is a force that brings completely different people together to achieve one goal. Hunger is the most important niche that distinguishes rich from poor, and shows us how poorly distributed the wealth is in the “post” colonial world,

There is starvation of people, harmed by the beauty industry. Due to the pressure created by it, many suffer from eating disorders to meet the shallow standards of beauty.

Hunger can also be purifying, many people use hunger to cleanse the body and soul, to cure diseases. Some substances are consumed to give us a big boost to expand our consciousness.

The Fungus Platform will focus on different interpretations and works by Georgian artists over the next two months on the theme of food and hunger.

George Nebieridze

David Apakidze Eternal Grief The process of eating may bring you pleasure, or bring pleasure to somebody else. What matters is that the choice to eat is yours. The video questions the topic of the main divide between liberal and left-wing feminists – the sex work issue, a discussion of which is very often louder than the voices of sex workers themselves.

Lasha Kabanashvili

Merab Gugunashsvili
Divine Supper

I often think about my relationship with food, the process of digestion, and waste. I consider the habits and attitudes that people have towards their stool to be intriguing. This raises the question of morality, and makes us ask ourselves what is considered “normal” in society? At the same time, it can be an allegory of human waste towards nature. My video shows the cycle of processing machines. This process creates ambivalent feelings: Pain, disgust, suffocation, but at the same time pleasure, relief, climax, and satisfaction. Foreign Bodies by @hyperandrogen Sound by @ratieradze Special Thanks to Mariko Chanturia, Nini Ugulava, Natalia Shatberashvili

Nikita Prayer Offerings are made for Pseudo-gods every day for electricity. So we can survive and not be banished out of that fridge, Therefore we learn new recipes and make new offerings. They tell us that our lives are like food, If we eat fast, we will have nothing left for tomorrow. But if we save it, it shall spoil. And we still pray before the feast, so that we have food tomorrow.

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